
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

17 Apr 2016

Terrorism or Zionism

Iran vows to defend Muslim nations against terrorism, Israel

Ecuador earthquake of 7.8 magnitude kills dozens

Many Muslims Danced After The Brussels Attacks, Claims Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon

The Even Ezra (See Peleh Yoetz “DaAga”) says “HeAvar Ayin” the past is gone. “HaAsid Adayin” the future has not arrived yet. “V’HaHoveh K’Heref Ayin” and the present only takes a split second. Therefore he concludes, “DaAga Minayin?” Why worry, nothing actually matters in the long term. Rav Simcha Zisel Brodie Rosh Yeshiva of Chevron says this sums up the meaning of slavery. A person whose whole life is about caring only about himself and caring only about the moment is a slave. He is trapped in “the moment”.

A free person, he says, cares not only about himself but his concern traverses the entire world, the entire creation. He lives not only the present but also the past and the future. On Pesach we get to exhibit our freedom. Our spirit of freedom soars as we immerse ourselves in years long gone by. We care about the past and we relive it. Our heart rises and falls as we retell the story of the Galus and Geula of Am Yisroel. “Chayav Adam Lir’os Es Atzmo K’Ilu Hu Yatza MiMitztrayim.” By truly feeling as if you have left Mitzrayim you have captured the essence of the seder. You have freed yourself from your own bondage from the slavery of self. (Hagadah Shai L’Torah – Brisk)

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