
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

18 Dec 2015

Letting go

Rabbi Shmuel Silber on Parshas Vayigash - Learning To Let Go

Recent archaeological find confirms Talmudic passage

IDF Fought Exemplary Campaign During Gaza Conflict of 2014, Says Multinational Military Group

The Obama administration rejected a 2011 proposal to authorize officials to vet the social media accounts of visa applicants, according to a Department of Homeland Security memo obtained by MSNBC.
Read more: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/12/17/leaked-read-the-dhs-proposal-to-strengthen-vetting-of-visa-applicants-that-was-rejected-by-obama-admin/

Parents of San Jose school kids confronted a school board Thursday night after a decision to cancel a field trip to see Santa Claus followed a complaint by a Jewish mother who objected to the school-sponsored outing.
Continue reading: http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2015/12/17/san-jose-school-cancels-santa-field-trip-after-jewish-mothers-complaint/ 

There are some interesting comments posted under an article about a calligraphy task assigned to students by a teacher in Virginia to copy a Muslim statement of faith.

Title IX provides a clear distinction that a teacher is allowed to teach about a religion but a is not allowed to teach a religion. A teacher is not allowed in any way shape or form allowed to force, encourage or even trick students into taking an oath to a religion.

Students have off today b/c behind closed doors, the school administrators school board are in panic mode as to how they can reduce their liability for an imminent Title IX investigation.

I'd be very surprised if a Title IX investigation takes place or results in any findings, because the teacher was not promoting Christianity. In this liberally biased overly sensitive culture we have today, fault is only found when conservatives, Christians, republicans, or whites are deemed to have done something inappropriate.

Daniel Greenfield has written an article titled THE LEFT'S MUSLIM REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY FOR JEWS

Muslims are the new Jews. You can find this offensive claim repeated everywhere in the media. The Jews, a small ethnic minority of millions that was stateless for thousands of years, are a terrible analogy for a global Muslim population of 1.6 billion and around 50 countries that do not comprise a single ethnicity or race. Comparing the two makes as much sense as comparing the Finns to all of Asia.

Professors and Students at U. San Diego protest Trump by wearing “Muslim Yellow Stars”

William Jacobson calls it "the worst form of cultural appropriation."

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