
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

20 Sept 2015

Chamol Aleinu

Two Amazing Tricks Guaranteed To Help You Avoid Punishment For Your Aveiros 

Trick #1 - The gemara in Rosh Hashana says that if you go beyond you character and forfeit your rights in getting angry at people who have cause you to be angry Hashem will forgive you for your aveiros. Every person is judged in Shamayim with the same attitude he shows his fellow man down on earth. Therefore a person who is not "Midakdek" and does not act measure for measure with people will receive the same treatment from Hashem. The Chafetz Chaim uses the idea to explain the enigmatic gemara in Bava Metzia 30 that says Yerushalayim was destroyed because they judged each other to the letter of the law. What about avodah zara in the first Bais HaMikdash and Sinas Chinam in the second? He answers that indeed that was their aveira but had they not dispensed exact judgment down on earth then the heavenly court would have done the same above and forgiven them.

Trick #2 - All our pain is caused by the Satan who constantly prosecutes us before Hashem. Why does Hashem listen to his evil slander about His beloved children, Lashon Hara is assur even if it is true? The answer is that Hashem only listens to lashon hara about those who speak it themselves. If a person does not speak any lashon hara Hashem will not let the Satan dare open his mouth to speak about him. This is incredibly effective. If we refrain from lashon hara we need not beg Hashem not to punish us for our aveiros they are never even brought before him for judgment!

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