
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

26 Dec 2014

The roar of Yehudah

This week's Parsha relates how Yosef Hatzadik wanted to incarcerate Binyomin for his "theft" of the goblet, telling his brothers that Binyomin shall remain behind while the rest of them return "B'Shalom" to their father's house. The Midrash states that Yehuda roared "How can there be shalom in our father's house if Binyomin is not there with us?!"The Midrash says that Yehuda screamed so loud that even Chushim Ben Dan, who was deaf, was able to hear him!

Why does the Midrash deem it necessary to detail the decibel level of Yehuda's cry?
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להקריב את החיים בשביל לא לבייש

For third time this week, shots fired at Paris Jewish target

The NYDailyNews has an article titled Israeli girl badly burnt by firebomb tossed at car.

The firebombing is the latest in a string of recent attacks against Israelis, including violence in Jerusalem and in West Bank settlements.

In October, a Palestinian man drove his car into a crowd of commuters in Jerusalem. At least eight people were injured and a 3-month-old girl was killed.

An RT article has the headline 11yo Jewish girl critically injured as firebomb hits West Bank settlers.

A caption under a phot in the article reads, "Jewish settler children walk together after leaving school in the West Bank Jewish settlement of Bat Ayin, south of Bethlehem."

After detailing the attack, the article goes on to dig up incidents of Palestinian children being hit by rubber and sponge bullets, without mentioning that the incidents took place amongst clashes between the two sides.

Two articles describing the same incident, but with two very different perspectives.

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