
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

8 Aug 2014

Nachamu nachamu ami

Rabbi Chaim Zvi Senter offers a Torah thought for this week's parsha over here

This week’s Haftorah from Yeshaya begins with the famous words, 'Nachamu nachamu ami yomar elokaychem', 'comfort comfort my nation, so says your G-d'.

The Medrash cryptically comments, that when Yeshaya said the words 'Nachamu nachamu Ami', Klal Yisroel wanted to kill him; i.e. they were very upset and angry with him, until he continued and said, 'yomar elokaychem [so says your G-d]'.

Why was Klal Yisroel so upset with Yeshaya, and how did he defuse their anger with the words, 'yomar elokaychem'???
Read more: http://baltimorejewishlife.com/torah/parsha-detail.php?SECTION_ID=45&ARTICLE_ID=51531

Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis writes about Still a nation that dwells alone.

ראש הממשלה כתב אות בספר התורה לזכות חיילי צה"ל

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