
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

13 Mar 2014

Taanit Esther

KikarHashabat has a video of Rabbi Mordechai Gross praying at the kever of Rav Shmuel Shmelke Klein z'tl, a great-great-great grandfather of MK Yair Lapid.  Scrolling down to the bottom of the article, one can read the inscription on the tombstone which describes a Torah Sage who learned Torah day and night, who loved the people of Israel and who lifted the spirits of the depressed.

Rav Klein's grandaughter married Rav Yosef Nechemia Kornitzer zt'l. Coincidentally, I received an email by Rabbi Eli Mansour this morning with a devar Torah about Purim in which he mentions a thought by Rav Kornitzer zt"l.

We read in the Megilla of how Ahashverosh wanted to repay Mordechai for saving his life, and he summoned Haman to ask him what would be an appropriate way of honoring somebody. Haman, incorrectly assuming the king was referring to him, suggested that the person should be dressed in royal garb and marched through the city on the king’s chariot. Ahashverosh immediately ordered Haman to do so for Mordechai.

Hazal teach that when Haman went to get Mordechai, he found him delivering a Torah class. Specifically, he was teaching the laws of “Kemisa,” the procedure performed in the Bet Ha’mikdash when a Minha (grain offering) was brought. The Kohen would take a handful of the offering and place it on the altar, while the rest was eaten by the Kohanim. After listening to Mordechai’s words, Haman said to him, “Your handful neutralized my decree against your nation!” Somehow, the law of Kemisa which Haman learned by listening to Mordechai indicated to him that his plot to eradicate the Jewish people would fail. The obvious question is, what does the Misva of Kemisa have to do with Haman’s decree against the Jews?

Continue reading: https://www.dailyhalacha.com/WeeklyParasha.asp

Chadrei Charedim reports that the winner of a lottery drawn last night in which the proceeds went to
fund grooms from Bobov was none other than Menachem Stark!! The 18,000$ prize will be transferred to his wife and orphans.

As I posted last night, ''The work Kav Ha’yashar...writes that the day of Ta’anit Ester is an especially auspicious time for our prayers to gain acceptance in the merit of Ester and Mordechai. The Kav Ha’yashar therefore advises those in need of divine compassion to set aside some time on Ta’anit Ester and recite the 22nd chapter of Tehillim (“Lamenase’ah Al Ayelet Ha’shahar”), followed by a prayer for whatever it is that they need. In this prayer one should explicitly invoke the merit of Mordechai and Ester."

Click here to recite Tehillim 22. In the video below, Rabbi Glatt gives a brief explanation of the chapter. At the beginning of the video, the rabbi wishes a refuah sheleima for Sara Rivka bat Mindel a'h. Unfortunately, she passed away. May her neshama be zocheh to an aliyah in the zechut of learning Tehillim.
Click here for a lengthy explanation in Hebrew of  תהילים - פרק כב.  


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