
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

29 Jan 2014

First-person pronouns and a good heart

Rabbi Lazer Brody has an article titled Tale of two Shidduchim in which he writes about the advice he gave to Benny, an extremely handsome baal teshuva.

I told Benny to look for a girl with a good heart, for that's what you grow old with. Unlike good looks, a good heart improves with age.

...After their first date, Benny called me. "Rabbi, when I first saw her, my heart skipped more than one beat. She's gorgeous. We sat down in the lobby of the Dan Panorama and I ordered coffee. After the initial niceties, I remembered what you said. I closed my eyes and listened to her heart. All I heard was first-person pronouns and a lot of material priorities that were left over from her old life. She spoke about her taste in clothes, furniture and summer vacations. I listened. She never mentioned anything remotely connected to building a spiritual life together. I'm going to tell the shadchan that I'm not interested in a second date. But she is gorgeous..." http://www.breslev.co.il/articles/family/dating_and_marriage/tale_of_two_shidduchim.aspx?id=25558&language=english

Speaking about first-person pronouns, Obama Refers To Himself 74 Times During State of The Union…

Wishing those who are looking for their matches to find good hearted zivugim.

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