
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

16 Mar 2012

The vessel of blessing

Recently I have been hearing of more divorces among young couples after less than a year of marriage.

"They got married too young."
"They were both spoiled young children."

I remember hearing Rav Gavriel Ginsberg zt'l, talking about divorces. He said that nowadays, people give up too easily. If the young couple can't compromise on something as simple as the color of the sofa, the man/woman will say, "that's it, I'm going home to my parents."

Tha rabbi's words struck home as I read an article this week titled The 9 Secrets of Happy Couples which points to "certain core values that make some marriages more intimate and resilient than others."
Among the items was the following piece of advice.
3. When the going gets tough, they don't call Mom or Dad

The first task facing all young couples is separating from their families of origin, points out San Francisco-area-based family researcher Judith Wallerstein, Ph.D. This doesn't mean you shouldn't go home for the holidays. But if there's a crisis over whether to have a second child or relocate for a new job, or even if there's good news about a big raise or the results of a medical test, the couple should talk about it together first before dialing Mom. "You wouldn't believe how many people who are getting divorced say to me, 'She was never mine,' or 'His mother always came first,'" Dr. Wallerstein observes.

Read full article: http://shine.yahoo.com/love-sex/9-secrets-happy-couples-160700887.html

This morning Anashnews published excerpts from the will of the Vishnitzer Rebbe zt'l.
He implores his family members, friends and students to avoid controversy, and strive to be "pursuers of peace."

“lo motzah hakadosh baruch hu kli machzik b’racha elah hashalom”…”the only vessel of which Hashem could place blessing into is one of peace”.

May we follow the words of the Rebbe and work on ending strife, and pursuing peace, whether it be marital harmony or peace amongst our relatives, friends and our people.
Shabbat Shalom!

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