
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

4 Aug 2010

Every step I take

This afternoon I visited a woman who had undergone knee replacement surgery. My friends and I were amazed how she was able to maneuver out of her bed and walk across the room just a week after surgery.
"I am grateful to Hashem for all His chasadim (kindnesses)," she told us. "I see progress in every step I take each day."
One woman asked, "aren't you in pain?"
In true Jewish fashion, she answered a question with a question. "And what good would it do to complain?"
A few weeks ago I wrote about a lecture I had attended given by Rabbi Paysach Krohn in which he spoke about focusing on the good. During the lecture, the air conditioner in the room wasn't working and it was extremely hot. Rabbi Krohn said that when we would get home from the lecture, the first thing we would do is to complain about how hot it was.
His message hit home and, over the past few weeks, I have resolved to try to keep quiet instead of complaining. And, I find the less I complain, the less I have to complain about, if that makes any sense.
There are speeches one hears where the words go in one ear and out the other. Sometimes, however, the message the speaker imparts stays with someone forever. Thanks, Rabbi.
And thank you, Mrs. F., for showing me how grateful I should be to G-d for every step I take. May you have a speedy recovery.

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