
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

5 Jan 2010

The girl with red hair

I was standing on line in a small store, waiting to buy some fish. There were two other customers before me and I couldn't help but overhear their conversation. An elderly man was describing his experiences during the war years. I heard him say that he was put on a train destined for Treblinka.
As we exited the store, I struck up a conversation with the man, curious as to how he had survived. He told me that he had been in the Warsaw ghetto. At one point, he was sent on a train to Treblinka but he jumped off. I asked him if others had done the same. He told me that he had seen only one other person jump. He had witnessed a girl with red hair jumping off fifteen minutes before he took the plunge. She gave him the idea. Rather, he clarified, G-d had planted the idea in his head. He told me that there was only a small space from which to jump.
"It was not for fat people," he said. "I was twelve at the time. I am now seventy-nine."
A Polish farmer risked his life and hid him for a year. He told me this part of the story wonderingly, astonished that someone had risked his life to save a young boy.
"I think it was my grandmother, who, from the heavens, must have beseeched G-d to spare my life."
He remembered her as a righteous woman, always with a Tehilim or siddur in hand, constantly praying to G-d.
The man showed me a picture of his two red haired grandchildren.
"They go to a Jewish school," he proudly told me.
May he see much nachas from them.

Click on the link below to see a short video of a man who was pushed out of the train by his father. The last words uttered to him by his father were, "Zol Zayn a mentsch - Be a good person." All his life he strived to live up to his father's last instructions.


  1. Devorah:

    Thanks for the link to the video clip of the holocast survivor. It is truly an amazing testimony to the profound humanity of our people even at life's final and cruelest moments. "Zol zein a mentch." I will try to live this mandate as well.

    Thanks for your meaningful blog, it never ceases to inspire me...

  2. Shalom:
    Thanks. It's nice to receive positive feedback. My friend told me about a shiur she went to last night. In a nutshell, the lecturer advised to give people compliments. Sure you weren't there?
