
"Where does it say that you have a contract with G-d to have an easy life?"

the Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Failure is not the enemy of success; it is its prerequisite."

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

19 May 2009

Ornah's farewell

Recently, I came across a heartrending letter from a mother, diagnosed with a malignant growth, to her one year old son. Her story, as well as her letter, is an inspiration to all of us to rise higher in our service to G-d. Below is the letter, which I am posting, with permission, from Arachim, an organization dedicated to renewing Jewish values. To find out more about this outreach organization, click on the following link.

To read the story of Ornah's farewell, click here.

“Mark-Mordechai, my precious and beloved son!
“Every day of my life I thanked HaKadosh Baruch Hu for giving you to me. Such a wonderful present – my own son, a part of my soul and essence. Mark, I loved you with all my heart. I dreamed about how I would raise you, teach you and guide you, and more than anything – love you. But HaKadosh Baruch Hu wanted otherwise.
“Let me tell you what I always wanted for you. I wanted to raise you to be a talmid chacham who fears Heaven, with refined character and derech eretz. My son, you are the most precious thing that I leave behind on earth.
“I want you to be a sefer Torah. My dearest, you were born for Torah and I did what I could to provide the conditions that will allow you to grow up to be a sefer Torah. Once you are on your way, I don’t want anything to hinder you, so I have made provisions so you will have support and backing. With Heaven’s help, you will become a beautiful rose in HaShem’s garden.
“You have a father, two grandfathers and uncles, including Uncle Ilan, who loves you as his own son. They will guide you and take care of your needs. The greatest Father of all is HaShem – Father, Guide and Aid to all orphans. He will protect you and accompany you all of your days.
“When I get to shamayim, I will continue to pray for you, that HaKadosh Baruch Hu protect you from harm, light up your path, guide you in the proper direction, and provide you with all of your needs.
“Never forget, my son, the Torah and the mitzvos are our purpose for being on earth. The days of our lives are limited and we may not waste them. Every day you must try to climb higher spiritually, for the ultimate goal is not this world but the next. The more mitzvos that you do and the more Torah you learn, the closer you will come to that goal. I so much wanted to raise you, help you and guide you, but HaKadosh Baruch Hu wanted something else. There is no doubt that His Will is correct and this is what is best, for He is pure goodness, merciful and gracious, slow to anger and great to do chessed.’
“My son, it is impossible for me to describe how difficult it is for me to leave you, but I want you to know that all the while that I was ill, and now, too, I tried with all my heart to feel and believe that everything is from Heaven. Everything is for the best, even this agonizing parting from you. “I hope that you, your father and the whole family will grow together spiritually and reach the highest levels of the Torah, each of you helping the other, so that all of you constantly progress and succeed.”

The letter was read by her husband at her funeral.

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